Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Yay, tampon cozies. The uterus one is great for those starting a knitted/crocheted/whatever uterus collection.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Today is the last day to get custom extended size clothing for the holidays. It's always nice to explore new designers.
I'm glad to see If'n Books and Marks has lined journals in their new designs. I have one of the other journals from them, and while it was slightly delicate, it was fun to write in, and had a nice bookmark. I've filled it up, and even though it has a lot of rips, tears and there's no more bookmark, I'd buy some of their stuff again.

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This is one of the many stories that will be coming out about Black Friday today. On CNBC, I saw a story about a woman who lost her wig in a stampede in a Wal-Mart. *shakes head* They do this every year.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
The Darn Good Chili Mix is good, if expensive. I got 2 packs for $7 on sale. I wonder if there are any cheaper chili mixes with beans and everything?
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Friday, November 18, 2005
I really want to buy this for my mom. The owner says she charges a bit extra for gift wrap. Maybe I should offer gift wrap and expedited shipping on my site. Sounds like a task for tomorrow.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Black Books Direct has an interesting selection of DVDs of black movies that I have missed. I wonder if I could find reviews of some of these, especially Mississippi Masala. However, since you can get one of these DVDs for scarcely more than it'd cost to go to the theatre and get popcorn, I think they'd be worth a try.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Kimono Hoodie! I love the new fusions that fashion designers are coming up with nowadays. One day I'll learn to sew!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I'm tired, but my new printer is coming soon. I did some ebay work, now some of my auctions are starting at 99 cents.
Monday, November 14, 2005
I simply don't approve of people who post sob stories on Ebay because they might make people more cynical to people who have real problems. Ditto to people who post "Buy my stuff or the cat gets it" ads on livejournal. There's no way of knowing whether people are telling the truth or not. Although, if you find yourself in real trouble, you may want to ask for help from a charity, maybe one like Modest Needs.
It seems like foraging is a way some supplement their diets. I have no plant knowledge, so that wouldn't really work for me.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
An interesting conversation on pricing. I usually keep the prices for my jewelry low as I priced based on what I'd pay, and I have no money, but some say that increasing the price increases sales... I don't have the confidence yet to be really high priced, although if my printer worked, I'd have my line sheet and be over to the gift shop down the road hoping to get my jewelry in...
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Another good community for those looking for great items is the shop fruits community. It's great for those devoted to J fashion.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Buy Nothing Day is this month. I want to have a Kwanzaa inspired Christmas in which I give only handmade gifts to others. I know what to give the women on my list- jewelry, lots of it, but men? I don't know. Especially my consumerism loving bling bling brother.
I love this Asian influenced purse here. It's getting near holiday time, so maybe I should have review posts finding more great handmade stuff. Of course, you can count on me to promote my own stuff. I have something nice coming up soon, hopefully, very soon.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
I'm glad that a poster on black voices decided to note that my business is black owned(and black operated, since I'm the only employee). Small business needs everyone's support.
Wooo! I did my first freecycle. I gave away some tin foil cookie sheets. They seem like they went to a good home.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Know a really big Harry Potter fan? Look, here's a Gryffindor pouch. I wish I had enough talent to make something like this, but I think my jewelry making has really improved.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Victory in the girlcott, but there are still so many alternatives for t shirts that no one needs to buy A&F. Another alternative shirt maker I love is Uppity Negro. Some people say that liberal politics shouldn't be represented on shirts. But Dixie Outfitters is just fine. Standing up against oppression is a lot different than showing your support for flags that have flown over KKK rallies and state houses to show support for school segregation. If anyone has any questions, I have a lot of information on the murders and terrorism that the KKK did. Also, I have information on the Civil Rights movement, and the ongoing fight against school integration.
Hugo weighs in. I'm only 21, and know better. I sometimes wish I could have a t shirt line, but maybe when I get older, as it's a bit more expensive to sell t shirts.
Hugo weighs in. I'm only 21, and know better. I sometimes wish I could have a t shirt line, but maybe when I get older, as it's a bit more expensive to sell t shirts.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Need an alternative to stupid shirt slogans? There are many t shirt companies that produce shirts that aren't sexist or racist or just plain stupid. There's One Angry Girl Designs, with her famous pro feminist shirt. Black Lava Designs has many great anti racist designs and many Asian heritage designs. Panic Doll and Candy Violet have gothic lolita inspired designs.
Cat and Girl has cheap great anti ironic t shirts. These are flashy anti n word t shirts. In fact, on ebay, you can find many independent designers who have shirts that are much cheaper and less stupid than Abercrombie. Try DIY Marketplace if you need help.
Cat and Girl has cheap great anti ironic t shirts. These are flashy anti n word t shirts. In fact, on ebay, you can find many independent designers who have shirts that are much cheaper and less stupid than Abercrombie. Try DIY Marketplace if you need help.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
I have no idea why some people don't like snipers. I personally don't snipe- I just enter my highest bid near the end(which can be like 3, 5 or even 8 hours before the auction ends.). If you're selling, hey, bids are bids. You can't depend on a bidding war every time you sell something, so put the bid at the least you're willing to let it go for. I decide how to bid on what is the most I'd pay(I include shipping). For example, I saw some beads I wanted and bid a most of $7 because shipping was ten bucks. If someone bids $5 at the last second, I'm still going to win anyway, and if they bid $10, they deserve it, because while $17 is in my budget, $20 is too high. So what's the big deal?
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
The freecycle finder is a new way to keep consumption down. Do you need say, an old lamp? Maybe some well loved shoes? bubble wrap? Don't waste by buying new, share with others in your community. Also, for people who run small, especially home based, businesses, asking around at local stores for packaging material is a great way to make your business more sustainable.
Save your pennies. They add up. I think I'll just carry a 2 liter drink home, even if it's heavy, and save my pennies that I have been using for drinks to buy beads. In other petty consumerism news, I got a 12 ounce bag of pre cut broccoli slaw for 1.50. It's a good taco topping, if you don't add mayo, etc. I'm not a mother, but wonder if this is a good way to sneak vegtables on kid's plates.
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