Monday, May 09, 2005

I feel slightly embarrassed realizing that when I started the business I didn't have any start up capital besides my savings. Although I usually have about a thousand saved because I don't have a car, I don't have to pay rent, or bills. I also do not use a credit card. Then again, I keep my costs low and start slow. For example, I started to sell on eBay, which had lower fees then. I also do my own website, don't pay for my mailing list, rely mostly on link exchanges and livejournal for ads, and buy supplies cheap. Now I sometimes wish I could finance a big splashy ad in Bust, or buy tons of expensive findings, but I'd rather go slow than go broke. However, I have to start hustling on the bossiness as next semester is methods, and I won't be able to have a job. So I have to work hard!

Of course, I see that many young people are starting out by selling on selling journals, selling to their friends,etc. So good luck to all mini business owners!

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