Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Online selling is a revolution. It allows a much more diverse group of people to sell their crafts. Some people don't have the stamina to stand out in 90 degree weather for 9 hours a day. Some might not have $100 right then. Some might do better at making things than being a salesperson.

Online selling works with my rhythm. I can fit it into the cracks of my life. I do much better at a few hours a day, with lots of time for breaks if I become too tired to do things at my best. I can even ship from home if I am too exhausted to go to the post office that day.

If I feel good one day, I can ramp up production. I'm not type A, so I try to fit my life around my abilities, I guess. You'll never find me working 80 hours a week when I've got walking pneumonia.


Anonymous said...

Great post! I relate...I have too many other responsibilities to make Etsy my full-time job. but appreciate the opportunity to sell.

Anonymous said...

Ya its really a simple & esay work to shop online, take alook at my online store

Unknown said...

so, so true.

"Some might do better at making things than being a salesperson."

^ that's me

(your skirt is on its way!)

kim* said...

i love online selling BUT not too many people love my stuff

Anonymous said...



I don't have as many responsibilities as other people, but I've got 'work' at the hospital for 12 hours, then I've got school, and of course I need to actually read and study for school, and it's just consuming.