Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Don't listen to the news? I find that depressing. I love the news. From funny stories such as 'pot smokers smoke pot in park' to uplifting stories, such as the story behind American Violet. The news has them all. I love to be informed. I want to know things.

Also, today is Earth Day. So waste not, and want not. You don't have to buy a lot of expensive products to be green. As I heard on the news yesterday, reuse, recycle, and reduce. Be inventive. The first people to say hey, vinegar makes a great cleaner, were making use out of necessary. Ask your elders for tips on how to do things. Make your local pears into delicious preserves, quilt, and revive old traditions and connect the generations.


Cherry Tart Design said...

Great post. I'm not one for the news too much because of all the bad things they report but I love your comment on asking your elders for tips and tricks. They had half of the things that we have today and they lived through it!

My Inspired Reality said...

I agree. There is so much we can all do with regard to recycling, great post:)

shannon said...

They report bad things, but they also report good things. You can also prevent bad things by knowing what's going on.

Also listening to your elders can keep you from romanticizing the good ol' days. People wringing chicken necks in front of kids, sweeping the porch and washing the walls for hours, no internet...